I do not know where this week has gone! I got more cleanup of my yard done, but this is a lot of land here and I really need everyone pitching in to make sure things can get done. I probably should’ve taken pictures to show my progress, but I’m feeling really positive about it.
I feel like my “Sunshine Garden,” as I’ve taken to calling it, is coming together nicely. It’s going to be a little bit conceptual, but the plants I’ve picked out are nice. I need to plant the junipers this week & then probably mark out the areas for trees arriving this fall. Smaller plants will be in next Spring, but I am working toward getting that area the way I have it in my head.
Saturday was Justin’s birthday. It was a quiet and uneventful day at his request, although he did end up mowing in the evening. Justin is a good friend and I know everyone takes him for granted. I’m blessed to have such a nice person in my life. (These photos are from 2 years ago)
Avery spent part of the week out here, which was nice. She’s so easy-natured and doesn’t get bent out of shape about things.
I’ve got so many things to get done; the yardwork seems endless, but this upcoming week is going to be pretty hot, so I’ll be only working outside until about 10 everyday. That should give me time to work on some of the other things I’ve got going on — art and whatnot.
Art featured this week
I’ve continued being obsessed with gardening. I’ve been watching a lot of several YouTube channels on gardening. While I never see anything exactly like what I would like to do, it is so nice to see so many ideas and tips from people who have been doing this for a long time.