Brian is a huge nerd who loves little more than to curl up with a nice jar of pickled okra and watch endless hours of Northern Exposure. I also like eating melon flavored things, pulling stickers off of plastic, going dancing, going to Thai buffets, losing myself for hours online, & letting my cats kneed my leg.
Currently, I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I have been here since the wind brought me here in October of 2005. I haven’t been called anywhere since. Before this, I lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That city is my home; my emotional center. I will return to Tulsa to finish out this life. My childhood was spent an hour away in Stillwater, Oklahoma. My family is still there. Stillwater is an amazing place. It is a speck of enlightened thinking in a vast mound of conservatism. Perhaps Stillwater is more accepting than other places because it is a college town. There is so much to know about me and yet so little.
I love words. That isn’t to say that I am any sort of expert on them. I love studying the evolution of the English language. I enjoy writing poetry and essays. I do not enjoy reading poetry (except for a few poets). I find most poetry too flowery and pretentious. I am a simplicity snob. I prefer language that is exact and not complicated. I read less than I should.
“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion”
— Henry David Thoreau
I am not overly fond of people. I like almost all individuals — I can find something to relate to most people about, but as a group people irritate me. I prefer one on one interactions with people. I also enjoy solitude, but find myself getting far more of that than I really want. I love living with people, even though I don’t right now. I am searching for someone to spend my life with, but am not terribly confident that I will find that.
Words that describe me: nerd, gay, Christian Spiritualist, vegetarian, writer, giddy, bitchy, content, happy, Leo, friend, music lover, patient, son, liberal, DVD addict, poor, brother, Democrat, Okie, Alaskan, tired, narcissistic, dramatic, pacifist, environmentalist, boss, fascinated, designer, crafty, sly, scattered, determined, American, goofy, supreme master of the world, cat lover, flighty, attention deficient, wise, reader, hot-natured, frustrated, lonely, beautiful.
Where I work or have worked: Title Wave Books (3/2008-present), Michaels Arts & Crafts (4/2007-present), Borders Books & Music (11/2005-7/2007), JC Penney (1/2006-3/2006), Barnes & Noble Booksellers (8/1998-8/2005), Rogers State University Early Childhood Development Center [formerly Kiddie Kollege] (9/1997-12/1998), Stillwater Christian Villa (6/1995-7/1997), Rainbow Preschool (5/1994-8/1994 & 5/1995-8/1995)
One subject or name for each year of my life — 2007: david eugene, 2006: heather, 2005: alaska, 2004: lori, 2003: barnes & noble, 2002: mimi, 2001: g, 2000: justin, 1999: gay, 1998: jerry, 1997: college, 1996: france, 1995: travis, 1994: cliff, 1993: david, 1992: middle school, 1991: jason, 1990: augustus & tiger, 1989: , 1988: riley, 1987: , 1986: , 1985: pink, 1984: , 1983: , 1982: stillwater, 1981: bradley, 1980: , 1979: birth.