Why do such seemingly simple things end up being so complicated??? I don’t have a way to finish the fabric part, so I need a stapler or a staple gun. Plus, my plan for attaching the letters isn’t going to work like I want it to… I don’t really know what else to use. To make it all worse, after smoothing it out and letting it dry I noticed a very large air bubble in an obvious part of the orange fabric (it would end up being right in the middle of the top part of the “Y.” I think I fixed it, but it may look a little weird in that spot… better than the large air bubble. “S” & “Y” should be ready to hang by Sunday. There is some drying time involved with the letters… I need a super-strong epoxy of some sort I think. None of this is going to be removable like I had originally imagined, but the end result will still be great.
Why SLY? I really like this idea A LOT.