You’d have a hard time finding someone who loves rain more than I do. It relaxes me and even the slightest drizzle will cause me to throw open my windows in the hopes that I will hear the patter of raindrops. It’s one of the things that makes me act crazy, but something I’m not apologizing for. I love thunderstorms, light showers, sudden downpours.
I remember when I was a kid it rained on my birthday a couple of times. By the beginning of August in Oklahoma, things can start to look pretty bleak. Grasses start turning brown from lack of rain, and gardens become increasingly difficult to keep alive (in my experience anyway). It’s been months since the storms of April and May, and it really feels unbearably hot and dry. So, on those occasions when it rained on August 5, I remember being excited to have a break from the heat.
We had a fairly hot June this year, and while I hoped for below average temperatures for the rest of the summer, I didn’t have any hope of that happening. I have been pleasantly surprised. It’s been very warm at times, but the blistering heat has really stayed away this year. At the end of July, it started to rain even. That was so nice.
And the rain just kept coming. It’s August 19 now. The last rain we had was yesterday. That was the last of almost 20 days of the rain I love. Some days it would just rain a little in the middle of the day, and other days would see a large storm come through during the night. Ultimately, I’d take that over no rain any day. But I’m glad to have a break from it just now. The plants need time to dry out, get some sun, etc. We’ve got more rain in the forecast for next week.
This week was brilliant in some ways, but very sad in others. Opie & Laura announced they are having a baby. It was nice to have some good news, but I am having trouble with the knowing that Mom would want to have seen these two start their family. And they are going to be great parents. Opie had a few issues, and ten years ago I would have been worried about him becoming a father. He’s really proven himself to be a wonderful person, and has a fantastic future ahead of him. I’m so proud to have people like him in my family.
Brent turned 40. I don’t think I will handle it well when I turn 40 next year, but it isn’t because I’m afraid to be in my 40s. It brings up so many issues. I don’t know how Brent dealt with it, but he does usually deal with things well. I wish we would have had a party for him, but I’ve had some trouble keeping up with things like that.
I’m looking forward to a great week. I’m starting to think it’s okay to do things… that seems vague, but I’ll elaborate in the future.