It’s been an eventful week! Thanksgiving for our family was divided into two dinners, one at my younger brother’s house and one at my parents’ house. They were wrought with the usual frustrations that are long forgotten after we sat down to enjoy the meals prepared. Brad’s Thanksgiving Eve dinner was a potato extravaganza, which suited everyone well. My parents’ Thanksgiving Day dinner was more of the traditional fare. I had two of the best gold potatoes I’ve ever had. I don’t want to over-sell them, but they were pretty amazing. There were some other vegan options for me if I had wanted them, but I was not feeling up to it. And I only had to wait until I arrived home to realize what the deal was. I was sick. I have the flu, even as I write this. I’ve been curled up in bed trying to sleep away the worst of it! Of course, that means I have not yet put up my parents’ Christmas tree(s). I have been planning to do that for a while, but life keeps somehow getting in the way. I’m hoping to have it done either tomorrow or Tuesday. I also did a lot of blog organization this week, which is a great relief.
Tumblr posts for the week
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