I had a falling out with a good friend in December. I miss him terribly, but have no way to get in touch with him. I just went to his website. It made me cry. He was the only friend I could share my deepest emotions with. What’s more, the falling out had nothing to do with him or me. It was all his boyfriend. I wish he’d call…
I was too exhausted to finish last night. Working with GDFC is horrible. GDFC makes me hate my job and I do not like people who do that. Really I was not in the best frame of mind anyway. I think I am having sinus issues, but I am scratchy and just generally sick. I hope it isn’t contageous since I just spent the evening at Lori’s watching her and Jess play Guess Who? of all things.
I just had quite a conversation with my dad about his job and his frustrations. I decided not to bother him with some problems I am having. I will wait until there is less going on. I hate that I haven’t seen my nephew in so long. He is 2 1/2. I need to visit soon.
Featured Image Art: photo by Christian Kaindl (via Unsplash)
originally posted on Xanga