Glorious rain!!! I love it… I really do. I could sleep all day just having the sound of rain outside my window. I already slept for 15 hours today, so I think I might back off and just enjoy it while I am awake. We need more storms this year.

It all seems like a dream now. Too long ago to remember the details even though it was just last weekend. HINT 2: I have done this with all but 1 of my friends.

I am still a nerd!

I am on my mini vacation now. It started when I left work yesterday, but since I slept all day I say it starts now. I have almost nothing planned, which is great. I think I will go to Lori’s this evening, Stillwater tomorrow to see the family, then Saturday and Sunday I will probably just hang out at home, with a brief break to go out to the Majestic. I need to get some friends to go with me, but I doubt that will happen. I will spend Saturday cleaning I think. I know I keep saying it, but even I hate to be at my house right now. Blah to my house. So I need to do something. Hang the curtains I got, clean the floors, take stuff to Goodwill. Lots to do.

Featured Image Art: Jacques-Laurent Agasse, “Sleeping Fox”

originally posted on Xanga

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